Woocommerce Analytics

Actionable Google Analytics for WooCommerce. Actionable Google Analytics for WooCommerce is a plugin that integrates your WooCommerce store with Google Analytics in just 5 minutes. It allows you to use some of the most essential features of Universal Analytics including User. Using a web application like Metorik for your WooCommerce reports and analytics will result in the following: It will allow you to quickly gain insights into your WooCommerce store across all your resources (orders, customers, products etc.). Resulting in you making more informed and accurate decisions. Ultimately leading to higher sales. WooCommerce Google Analytics (By WooCommerce) Developed by Woo, this is a free plugin that simply integrates your WooCommerce store with Google analytics, allowing you to track basic conversion metrics, how customers end up on your ecommerce shop, and what pages they view.


This plugin provides the integration between Google Analytics and the WooCommerce plugin. You can link a referral to a purchase and add transaction information to your Google Analytics data. It also supports Global Site Tag, Universal Analytics, eCommerce, and enhanced eCommerce event tracking.

Starting from WooCommerce 2.1, this integration is no packaged with WooCommerce and is only available by using this plugin.

Description This plugin provides the integration between Google Analytics and the WooCommerce plugin. You can link a referral to a purchase and add transaction information to your Google Analytics data. It also supports Global Site Tag, Universal Analytics, eCommerce, and enhanced eCommerce event tracking. WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro integrates with your Google Analytics account to track eCommerce events in your store, including advanced event tracking such as purchases, product reviews, coupon usage, full order refunds, and more. Uses enhanced eCommerce tracking to provide valuable metrics on your store’s performance.

Contributions are welcome via the GitHub repository.


  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.
  4. Don’t forget to enable e-commerce tracking in your Google Analytics account: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009612?hl=en

Or use the automatic installation wizard through your admin panel, just search for this plugin’s name.


Where can I find the setting for this plugin?

This plugin will add the settings to the Integration tab, found in the WooCommerce → Settings menu.

I don’t see the code on my site. Where is it?

Woocommerce Analytics

We purposefully don’t track admin visits to the site. Log out of the site (or open a Google Chrome Incognito window) and check if the code is there for non-admins.


Also please make sure to enter your Google Analytics ID under WooCommerce → Settings → Integrations.

My code is there. Why is it still not tracking sales?

Duplicate Google Analytics code causes a conflict in tracking. Remove any other Google Analytics plugins or code from your site to avoid duplication and conflicts in tracking.

My settings are not saving!

Do you have SUHOSIN installed/active on your server? If so, the default index length is 64 and some settings on this plugin requires longer lengths. Try setting your SUHOSIN configuration’s “max_array_index_length” to “100” and test again.

Woocommerce analytics pro

My national data privacy laws require that I offer an opt-out for users, how can I do this?

Include the following html code snippet within the page where you want to have the opt-out, e.g. the your Imprint our Data Privacy page:

You can prevent Google Analytics from tracking you by clicking the following link. An opt-out cookie will be set, which will prevent you being tracked when visiting this website in the future:
<a href='javascript:gaOptout()'>Deactivate Google Analytics</a>.

Exact wording depends on the national data privacy laws and should be adjusted.


Woocommerce Analytics Report Email

It picks up UTM tags from Google Ads and put the UTM on the URLs for the Google Ad landing pages on the website. This can result in that Google reject the ads and it messes up your statistic, search index etc.