Ssh Server Install Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install and configure SSH Server on Ubuntu Server/Desktop Operating System. The Secure Shell (SSH) is the most common and secure way to manage Ubuntu using a command line from a remote location.

Complete Linux newb trying to get Ubuntu going so that I can learn. I'm getting the following errors when I try to install the SMB client and Open SSh server on a fresh install of 18.04.2. Well, running SSH on Linux using SSH server to connect and login some other Linux system is pretty easy but how to do it between Ubuntu (Linux) and Windows 10/8/7. In this article, we focus on this and let you know the simple way to SSH into Ubuntu from Windows 10. Ubuntu Server - Install SSH Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Playlist: Playlist.

For this tutorial I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, But you can use the following guide to setup SSH Server on any previous Ubuntu version.


Used - sudo apt-get install openssh-serversudo service ss. Here's what I ran on my clean 18.04 server to get RDP GUI: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo add-apt-repository universe $ sudo apt install tasksel $ sudo tasksel install xubuntu-core $ sudo service lightdm start $ sudo apt install xrdp $ sudo systemctl enable xrdp. You can substitute the xubuntu-core/lightdm for other desktops if you prefer.

Install OpenSSH Server on Ubuntu 18.04

The SSH Server for Ubuntu is provided by the openssh-server package. If not already installed, you can install openssh-server package in Ubuntu 18.04, using the apt-get install command.

To install OpenSSH, open the Ubuntu terminal and execute:

Install Ssh Server On Ubuntu 18.04

This will install the SSH Server on our Ubuntu System.

Start SSH Server on Ubuntu

OpenSSH Server should start automatically after the installation, if not, to start the SSH Server on Ubuntu 18.04, we use the systemctl command.

In Ubuntu 14.04 use service command to start the ssh service.

Enable SSH root login in Ubuntu


By default SSH Server in Ubuntu do not allow to connect to the server using the root username. In order to allow root SSH Login we need to change PermitRootLogin to yes in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

First, Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

Then locate the line PermitRootLogin directive, uncomment (remove the # in front) and change its value to yes.

Then, Save the SSH Configuration file and restart the SSH Server.


Now you can login to the Ubuntu SSH Server using the root user Account.

Summary - Setup SSH Server on Ubuntu

In this tutorial we learned how to install SSH Server on Ubuntu Linux.

Reinstall Ubuntu From Terminal

  • SSH Server for Ubuntu provides by the openssh-server package. OpenSSH is the most widely deployed SSH server in the world
  • By default Root Login to the SSH Server is disabled in Ubuntu Linux.
  • To enable Ubuntu root SSH login, we need to set PermitRootLogin yes in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.