Global Ssh Config

Required Command-Line Mode = Configure

EnableSSHKeysign Setting this option to yes in the global client configuration file /etc/ssh/sshconfig enables the use of the helper program ssh-keysign (8) during HostbasedAuthentication. The argument must be yes or no (the default). This option should be placed in the non- hostspecific section. See ssh-keysign (8) for more information. Main-router(config)#ip ssh time-out 30 main-router(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2 main-router(config)#ip ssh version 2 main-router(config)#ip.

Use the ssh command to enable, disable, and configure the GigaVUE H Series node’s SSH server for access to the Mgmt port.

The ssh command has the following syntax:

global <host-key-check <yes | no | ask> | known-host <known host entry>>
user <username> <authorized-key sshv2 <public key> | identity <rsa2 | dsa2> <generate | private-key
[private key] | public-key <public-key>>| known-host <known host> remove >
rsa1 <private-key [private key] | public-key <public-key>>
rsa2 <private-key [private key] | public-key <public-key>>
dsa2 <private-key [private key] | public-key <public-key>>
ports <port> [port] [port] [port]..

The following table describes the arguments for the ssh command:



global <host-key-check <yes | no | ask>>

Sets SSH client configuration to control how host key checking is done, as follows:

yes—Specifies strict host key checking, which only permits connection if a matching host key is in the known hosts file and which does not access systems without pre-configured host keys.
ask—Prompts the user to accept new host keys.
no—Specifies non-strict host key checking, which always permits connection and accepts any new or changed host keys without checking.

For example:

(config) # ssh client global host-key-check yes

global <known-host <known host entry>>

Adds an entry to the global known-hosts configuration file.

<username> <authorized-key sshv2 <public key>>

Adds the specified key to the list of authorized SSHv2 RSA or DSA public keys for this user account.

<username> <identity <rsa2 | dsa2> generate>

Generates a new identity (private and public keys) for the specified user. When the keys are generated, the private key is written to the user's .ssh directory in a file, for example, id_dsa. The rsa2 and dsa2 arguments specify generation of DSA and RSA v2 keys for SSHv2.

<username> <identity <rsa2 | dsa2> <private-key [private key] | public-key <public-key>>

Specifies the public or private key (of the specified type) for the specified user. This is an alternative to generating the key. The rsa2 and dsa2 arguments specify generation of DSA and RSA v2 keys for SSHv2. If private-key or public-key is specified without a key, the user is prompted for the key.

<username> <known-host <known host> remove>

Removes a known host from a specified user’s .ssh known_hosts file.

server enable

Enables the SSH server on the GigaVUE H Series node for connections to the Mgmt port. You can also disable SSH access with the no ssh server enable command.

For example:

(config) # ssh server enable

server host-key
rsa1 <private-key [private key] |
public-key <public-key>>
rsa2 <private-key [private key] |
public-key <public-key>>
dsa2 <private-key [private key] |
public-key <public-key>>

Changes the SSH server host keys provided with the GigaVUE H Series node, as follows:

generate—Generates new RSA and DSA host keys.
rsa1, rsa2, or dsa2—Supplies a specific value for a public or private key of the specified type.
private-key or public-key>—Specifies whether you are generating a private key or a public key.

For example, to generate new RSA and DSA host keys for SSH:

(config) # ssh server host-key generate

For example, to set a new private-key for host keys of type rsa2:

(config) # ssh server host-key rsa2 private-key

You will be prompted to enter the key.

server ports <port> [port] [port] [port]..

Specifies the TCP port(s) on which the SSH server listens. Multiple ports can be specified. The default is 22.

For example:

(config) # ssh server ports 23

Related Commands

The following table summarizes other commands related to the ssh command:

Windows Global Ssh Config



Displays SSH client settings.

# show ssh client

Displays SSH server settings.

# show ssh server

Displays SSH server settings with full host keys.

# show ssh server host-keys

Resets global SSH client host key check settings.

(config) # no ssh client global host-key-check

Deletes a global SSH client known host entry by host.

(config) # no ssh client global known-host <known-host-entry>

Deletes a public key from an authorized key list for a specified user.

(config) # no ssh client user monitor authorized-key sshv2 <public key ID>

Deletes all SSH client identity keys for a specified user.

(config) # no ssh client user monitor identity

Deletes SSH client identity keys for a specified user and for a specified type of identity.

(config) # no ssh client user monitor identity rsa2

Disables the SSH server.

(config) # no ssh server enable



Global Ssh ConfigSsh hosts config

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This online documentation was last updated: 2/20/2021

Global Ssh Configuration


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Ssh Config Settings


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Jenkins Ssh Global Configuration

